Categories: Church

Christ the King November 24

Rulers are defined by their power over others. They can levy taxes, conscript youth into armies, open or close borders, and enforce policies that direct the daily lives of the people in their realm. When Pilate interviews Jesus, he says to him, “Do you not know that I have power to release you, and power to crucify you?” (John 19:10). It is something a ruler would say. In the outpost of the Roman Empire that is Judea, Caesar’s power resides with Pilate.

Christ the King’s pardon is for us. We begin our worship acknowledging our sin and hearing the news that God has forgiven us. The Ruler’s welcome is ours as well. We come to the table, received by Christ himself. Today we join him, the thief on the cross, and all the saints in a foretaste of the paradise to come. The Spirit sends us into the week ahead renewed in the knowledge that we are citizens of the reign of God and that our true Ruler is the one who welcomes and pardons: the crucified and risen Christ.

excerpt from Copyright © 2019 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.