Caring for others – whether next door, in the community or around the globe – is a primary concern for the members of Trinity – expressed in many ways.
We begin with care for our neighborhood and the local community. Simultaneously, we diligently support the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) our national church organization’s World Hunger Relief, Lutheran Disaster Response, and various other national and international advocacies partnering with the Virginia Synod and ELCA.
Trinity’s community ministries include financial support and/or gifts in kind for:
- Monthly Community Meal on last Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.
- WATTS (winter homeless shelter) with meals, toiletries, clothing
- Winter Tree of Warmth: Hats, scarves, and gloves for seniors, homeless programs and school children
- Little Red Wagon diaper and wipes drive for community prenatal care services
- Sewing for the Savior: hand-made quilts for nursing homes; high school grads, new members and other designated outreach projects
- Souper Bowl of Caring: soup collection on Super Bowl Sunday for Trinity’s food pantry
- Holiday Food Box Distribution: to benefit families at Thanksgiving;Christmas Easter in cooperation with other area churches
- Christmas Angel Tree Gifts: for children in area schools
Cooperative food ministry and distribution with local congregations.
Holiday Food Box Distribution

God's Work Our Hands Sunday

Sewing for the Savior

Community Meal

Angel Tree Gifts