Worship Life
Worship is rooted in a tradition which invites us to enter into God’s presence, recognizing the gift of God’s grace and forgiveness are offered to all. With this recognition comes a need to be strengthened through the faithful reading of scripture, hearing the Gospel proclaimed in a sermon, music, and time together as a community of faith. Celebrating the Eucharist (the Lord’s Supper) each week is a tangible reminder of God’s love for us and the world. As we gather to receive the gifts of grace (God’s unconditional and unmerited love) God’s people have the capacity to forgive as we have been forgiven, to love as we are loved, and with one another and Christians throughout the world to share these gifts as we celebrate differences among us. Worship also provides an opportunity to contribute to God’s work in this world through our offerings that support congregational programs and enable us to reach far beyond ourselves through the ministries of the Virginia Synod and our national church expression, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
We believe faith ought to work for God’s people every day – not just for an hour on Sunday. Through worship, we seek to connect the challenges and tough choices of our weekdays to the refreshing, healing, and hope-filled promises of the risen Christ in a way that truly makes a difference in how we interact and respond to life every day.
Lutherans believe worship is participatory. In fact, the word “liturgy” means “work of the people;” and, we say our worship is liturgical, engaging all who are present. Members of the congregation assist in worship alongside the pastor. A choir helps lead congregational singing and much of the order of worship is musical – scripture set to music.
We gather for in-person worship with Holy Communion each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. You may, also, join us on Sundays via Zoom to Worship@Trinity or Live on Facebook.