What to Expect

For Lutherans, worship is an engaging and growing experience. Connected with and central to everything we do, worship unites us in celebration, engages us in thoughtful dialogue and helps us grow in faith. It grounds us in our Christian and Lutheran roots, while demonstrating practical relevance for today’s world.
At Trinity, you’ll find that we use a structured format for worship and user-friendly for visitors, newcomers, and long-time members. For hymns we use Evangelical Lutheran Worship, a worship resource you’ll find in other ELCA congregations.
Holy Communion (“the Eucharist”) is celebrated every Sunday. All Christians, regardless of their denomination, are invited to share in the meal because we believe that this meal instituted by Jesus does not belong to “the congregation, but to all for whom it is given … “the bread and cup — for the forgiveness of sins.”
In addition, special opportunities for worship are held during the year, especially in Advent (before Christmas) and Lent (before Easter).
Worship lies at the heart of how we understand ourselves together. While some approaches to worship may differ from one congregation to another, we hold certain things in common. There is a basic pattern for worship (called “Liturgy” = “work of the people”) among Lutherans. We Gather. We encounter God’s Word. We share a spiritual Meal at the Lord’s table and we are sent into the world to serve and live out our faith.
Worship is not so much about what we do. Worship is fundamentally about what God is doing and our response to God’s action. It’s an encounter with God, who saves us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
You’re invited. There’s a place for you.