Why Choose Trinity?
We believe your faith should work for you every day of the week – not for just an hour on Sundays. So, the message you receive from us is one for times that are tough and challenging as well as joyful and celebratory.
Second, we want to join you in your walk of the Christian faith, because we know how difficult life can be and that a grounded life can make a difference. Everyone needs friends who know what it is like to live in our challenging world. No one has all the answers, certainly, we don’t; but we do believe, sharing one another’s challenges makes life a bit easier.
We strive to be a caring congregation. We care for one another and we seek to listen to the needs of others, even those unspoken. “God’s Work. Our Hands.”
We’re a small congregation
We know each other’s names, without name badges.
We enjoy one another as honest, caring friends – and want to make new ones.
And, because we’re small – everyone can be an integral part of ministry in this place. So, we invite you to visit with us; even partner with us in God’s work that we call a shared “mission.”
Most members of the congregation are joyfully involved in some aspect of ministry that seeks to embody the “new Commandment” Jesus gave: “…that you love one another, as I have loved you.” We have not perfected this by any means but, we strive to do our best!