Worship at Trinity on Christmas Eve at 4PM or 11PM. Both services offer Holy Communion and candlelight.
Read moreCategory: Church
Celebrate the Reformation
Reformation: October 27th we will celebrate Reformation Sunday. In addition to a special German Chorale worship service, there will be a German potluck meal following the service. You do not have to bring a German dish for your potluck; although there will be several to try. Just come to celebrate “in German Style.”
Read moreCommunity Breakfast Saturday October 5 7:30AM-10AM Pancakes, coffee, sausage and gravy. Free will offering goes to church capital campaign to help with repairs and upgrades to the facility.
Read moreApril is Autism Awareness Month
April is Autism Month Resources & Information
Read morePalm Sunday Holy Week Easter
Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter March 24, Palm Sunday: 9:30AM March 28, Maundy Thursday: 7:00PM March 29, Good Friday: 7:00PM March 31, Easter Sunday: 9:30AM Virtual Worship via Facebook: trinitylutheranchurchstephenscityva
Read moreTrinity Pancake Breakfast, March 2nd
Is breakfast your favorite meal of the day? Are you a lover of pancakes? Come to the Trinity Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 2nd, and have your fill. Meal service will begin at 7:30 a.m. and end by 10:30 a.m. Good will donations are accepted and will be used to support the Trinity Building Fund […]
Read moreWorship & Study During Lent
You are invited to journey with the community of Trinity Lutheran during this season. In addition to our regular Sunday worship services at 9:30 a.m., highlights of the journey will be a bible study of the Gospel According to Mark on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evening meals at 5:30 p.m. followed by Taizé Evening Prayer […]
Read moreWelcome to the Season of Lent
During the season of Lent, we are journeying with Jesus to his Cross and Resurrection. The season begins with Ash Wednesday (this year, February 14) and ends with Palm or Passion Sunday. This is a time to acknowledge our sin and mortality before God and to remember the sacrificial act of Jesus who gave up […]
Read moreTrinity Christmas Kringle Market
Dec. 2, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. We’re gearing up for the first Trinity Christmas Kringle Market. Visit the church on December 2, 10a.m. to 7p.m., for handmade crafts, music, lights & Christmas decorations, games, children’s craft-making room, food and lots of fun. Come celebrate the season with us! Want to help? Needed: German crafts, […]
Read moreTrinity Pictorial Directory: Reserve Your Photo Shoot Today
Members and friends can sign up now to have their pictures taken on 11/27 or 11/28. They can sign up themselves at www.ucdir.com (church code va233; password: photos) or see Mistie McPadalin or Sue Scheulen before or after services to sign up.
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