Categories: Church

Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2

The true end and goal of our lives is to be one with the love of God. For this we were created. And it is for this that Jesus prays in today’s gospel.
There is no better reason to pray than to know this oneness. Loving union with God is the answer to every prayer we speak.
We pray our hurts and hopes, offering them to the one who hungers to hear our voice. Often, we come to a point of silence. There is nothing else to say.
In such moments of loving communion, we know the truth of who God is, and we taste the oneness that is God’s eternal desire for us. Such love also carries us out of our isolation into a community of hearts who seek to know and live the love that pours from Jesus’ heart as he prays for us.
We also enter into this loving communion as we join, heart to heart, in a community of worship and praise, giving and receiving, teaching and serving, praying and caring for each other. This community of faith and love, sharing one heart, one hope, one mission, is the answer to Jesus’ prayer and ours.

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