Categories: Church, Faith Formation, Seasons of Year, Spirituality Tags: ,

Welcome to the Season of Lent

During the season of Lent, we are journeying with Jesus to his Cross and Resurrection. The season begins with Ash Wednesday (this year, February 14) and ends with Palm or Passion Sunday. This is a time to acknowledge our sin and mortality before God and to remember the sacrificial act of Jesus who gave up his own life so that we may know God’s unfailing love and forgiveness. Therefore, Baptism is also highlighted as we read of Jesus being baptized in the Jordan by John on the first Sunday of the season. Historically, Lent was a time of teaching catechumens (newbies in the Christian Faith) the meaning of the Apostles’ Creed in preparation for their baptisms during the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday (the day before Easter Sunday).

Many Christians engage penitential practices such as fasting, prayer, attendance at special weekly devotional services, and bible study during the 40 days of Lent. These practices are means to grow spiritually closer to God in Christ and to our neighbors. Service for the good of others is another important theme during this season. In the Lutheran liturgy, the sending words we hear are: “Go in peace. Remember the poor.”